Little Litt Event

Little LiTT Event with Debbie Dixon

April 19, 2025
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Get a taste of LITT Yoga Festival


What is LITT- LOVE is the TRUTH, is the relationship between the Lover and the Beloved there exists only one experience, only one motivation, and only one reality- just LOVE

LITT is a reconnection to the infinite source of LOVE that resides within each of us that when connected to this source and gathered in community can become the mirror guiding us all back to the one. – Debbie Dixon


6pm – A Yoga Class led by Debbie Dixon- Find your power in a challenging all levels flow designed to HEAL & EXPAND- ultimately reawakening you to the power that resides in your heart

7:15pm is the satsang/kirtan- The ultimate practice of Bhakti (the yoga of devotion) Sing in community

8pm–8:30pm- sound healing. Breathwork, Accessing the POWER of your HEART & Sound Healing -Sacred Sound Healing Experience- Immerse yourself in a symphony of sound, masterfully composed to harmonize your body.

Mark Your Calendar!
LiTT Yoga Festival has new dates for 2025!
More than a festival it’s a REVOLUTIONAug 8th, 9th, 10th 2025
Leland Lake
*260 Munn Rd Quilcene*

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